AZ-104 Exam Topics

Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator

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You are expected to be familiar with all matters related to operating systems, networking, servers, and virtualization.
Additionally, you are also expected to have hands on knowledge when it comes to matters related to the Azure portal, Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), PowerShell, Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates), Azure CLI as part of Microsoft exam requirements.

These are simply just a part the requirements needed in order for you to get your Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Candidates for this Azura exam should be experienced when it comes to manage, implement and monitor Microsoft Azure infrastructure setup from start to operation stages and this include all matters related to identity, governance, virtual networks and storage practices and knowledge.

If you are an Azure administrator you will play the role of a team member who is in charge of setting up your company’s cloud infrastructure.
And being an Azure administrators you are expected to coordinate with other team members when it come to deliver matters related to database, application development, security and Azure networking solutions.

For Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Code AZ-104 exam topics:
This exam certainly gauge your knowledge and capability to achieve these technical matters:
Setup and taking care of Azure governance and identities;
Setup, implement and monitor storage;
Setup and manage Azure computing infrastructure;
Setup including configure, monitor and manage virtual networking

Knowledge measured –
Control and manage Azure ICT resources
Configure then monitor and control Azure computing infrastructure resources
How to setup and manage Azure governance and also identities and governance
Implement and then configure virtual networking
Deploy and also and manage storage monitoring and management

You should learn about these too –
Setup and manage Azure ICT AZ-104
How to setup and control Azure storage AZ-104
Learn how to control and governance ,identities in Azure environment Az-104
Required knowledge and experience for Azure administrators AZ-104
For those Azure administrators – how to setup and monitor virtual networks Az-104

Azure Administrator Associate (Microsoft Certified)
Certifications related to this –
There are related required knowledge and certifications to “Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam AZ-104”

Related certifications to this related to AZ-104 exam topics :
Azure administrators who are in charge of matters related to manage, setup, control a company’s Microsoft Azure environment, such as storage, ICT, security, administration etc.