Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Which different Testdumps products are available?

Questions and Answers product should be used as preparation before the exam . It includes questions and correct answers with explanations (where available) and covers exactly the same topics as required to pass Exam.

Is it safe to use braindumps and our PASS GUARANTEE (BLOCKBUSTER )services?

We have helped many, many people who have been struggling to pass their exams for a long time and they are very happy with our products and services. Many have become regular customers. Apart from this – there is absolutely no way Cisco/Microsoft/ COMPTIA etc will know about your path to achieve your desired results. Having certifications HELPS you in your career path instead of harming , and the rest eg gaining hands-on /real-life experience is highly dependent on you. But having certifications will surely help you in getting your foot into the industry including better promotion prospects, hunting for a better paid job etc

How will I access Questions & Answers Product?

Testdumps Question & Answer products will be personally sent to you via the email that you provide to us to ensure privacy and security.


How long is my product Valid?

Each product is valid for its own specific period ranging from 1 to 4 calendar weeks from the date of delivery and based on the advice given by us on the date the material is sent or anytime before your exam date . You are advised to inform us the confirmed date of exam so that we can assist to ensure our product is not outdated to assist you towards passing the exam. If in any case you have failed to obtain a pass in your first attempt using our material, we will provide you with another set of Q&A in another future date provided you sent us proof by sending us verified scoresheet results . We will not be able to send you this final and free update if the verified scoresheet is not provided to us. Kindly note that sometimes the number of questions and answers are not exactly the same as advertized due to changes in the particular exam format etc. However there will be no monetary refund after the product has been delivered to you.

I’d like to try before I buy. Can I try your product for Free?

Sorry, this option is not available at this moment due to past bad experiences.

What does your Q&A with explanations entail?

Our Question & Answer with explanations contain exam questions with the most accurate answers. Explanations are provided (where applicable) for all the options so it helps you to understand why a specific Answers option is correct or incorrect.

Do all Testdumps’ Questions & Answer include explanations?

No. Our goal is to provide explanations to our entire set of products but currently we are offering this feature for only the Exams that have high demand in Certification Market.

Virtual Lab / Simulation Lab

The existence of-Virtual Lab / Simulation Lab type question normally exist within on the exams . On rare occasions that they do not appear in the exam database – then they will not be there in our materials at that particular time when the material is delivered to the client, though they may appear in the same exam in the future.

Can I pass an exam with Testdumps Question & Answers only?

Yes, it is possible. However, we recommend that you use one extra source, such as your other study materials to provide the theoretical background and the practical hands-on experience.

Can I pass an exam with Testdumps Question & Answers only?

Yes, it is possible. However, we recommend that you use one extra source, such as your other study materials to provide the theoretical background and the practical hands-on experience.